Ken Bruce's transfer, DMG restructures & the bill that SLAPPs
Matt Deegan presents this week from Campaign's Advertising Audio and Radio Summit, and joined by Michaela Hallam (Fresh Air Production) and Gideon Spanier (Editor in Chief, Campaign), we find out why the audio advertising opportunity is bigger than ever.
Our guests help us unpack this week's headlines including Ken Bruce's departure from the BBC, DMG Media's restructure AND they pledge to undertake the first media quiz of 2023.
Plus, James Ball and Franz Wild of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism explain the significance of a new bill tackling ‘Slapps’ in parliament this week. Find TBIJ's full coverage on the story here:
Also in the programme: Editor of PodPod Adam Shepherd, unpacks the new venture and gives his take on City University's brand new MA in Podcasting.
A Rethink Audio Production, produced by Matt Hill with support from Phoebe Adler-Ryan.
And hear more from James Ball and Franz Wild on kleptocracy and high profile cases involving SLAPPs...on our Patreon.